Patient Experience Work Programme

Only by listening to the views and experiences of those who lives are or have been affected by cancer will we be able to realise our ambition of wrapping cancer care, treatment and support around them as individuals.

The Patient Experience work programme is looking at new and innovative ways to ensure that patient experience is used to drive future improvements and is considered to be just as important as clinical care and outcomes.

Click here to find out what some of our patients have to say about the importance of learning from patient experience.

Involving Patients

The involvement of patients is fundamental to the delivery of all aspects of Cancer Alliance business and its individual work programmes.

The Patient Experience Expert Advisory Group has a specific role in supporting and advising the other workstreams in their patient engagement and involvement work, in the context of the overarching Alliance communications and engagement strategy.

Click here to access the strategy

Click here to find out how you can get involved with the work of the Alliance


Specific objectives of the Patient Experience Expert Advisory Group are:

  • To develop local approaches which champion and support the use of patient experience outcomes alongside clinical outcomes data to drive service improvements.
  • To act in an expert advisory role regarding patient experience and engagement for all the Cancer Alliance project groups, and in particular for:
    • digital workstream
    • the community/patient panel.
  • To provide expertise and guidance on the elements of an organisation infrastructure/practice that contributes to a good patient experience.
  • To work with the Cancer Alliance to help develop and test novel approaches to seeing patient experience on a par with clinical outcomes.
  • To explore opportunities to embed the principle of placing patients at the heart of improvement activities, learning from the Breast Cancer Now Service Pledge, 'Always Events' and other examples of good practice.

Visit the Breast Cancer Now website to read more about the Service Pledge.

Breast Cancer Now has delivered the Service Pledge across breast cancer services in the West Yorkshire & Harrogate Cancer Alliance. The aim of the collaborative working was to encourage the sharing of good practice across the Alliance whilst improving patient care and experience in all the hospitals taking part.

Click here to read more about the service pledge work in the Cancer Alliance - Breast Cancer Now report dated July 2018.

Membership of the Patient Experience Project Group

  • Marina Bloj, Professor of Visual Impairment, University of Bradford (Chair)
  • Sean Duffy, Clinical Lead, West Yorkshire and Harrogate Cancer Alliance
  • Carol Ferguson, Macmillan Programme Director, West Yorkshire and Harrogate Cancer Alliance
  • Lucy Beckingham, Project Manager - Optimal Pathways, West Yorkshire and Harrogate Cancer Alliance
  • Stef Gissing, Project Manager - Healthy Communities, West Yorkshire and Harrogate Cancer Alliance
  • Dawn Gulliford, Cancer Patient Service Manager, Airedale NHS Foundation Trust
  • John Hancock, Service Delivery Lead, North Yorkshire and Humber Clinical Network Team
  • Krystina Kozlowska, Head of Patient Experience, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
  • Jill Long, Macmillan Engagement and Communications Officer, Yorkshire Cancer Patient Forum
  • Tracy Holmes, Macmillan Communications and Engagement/Patient Experience Lead, West Yorkshire and Harrogate Cancer Alliance
  • Catherine Wood, Head of Patient Experience, Breast Cancer Now
  • Ian Margerison, Engagement Lead, Macmillan Cancer Support
  • Fraser Corry, Cancer Alliance Community Panel Co-ordinator, Healthwatch Wakefield
  • Keely Clawson, Lead Cancer Nurse, Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust
  • Members of the WYH Cancer Alliance Community/Patient Panel, on a rotating basis