
An appropriately diverse, skilled and supported workforce sufficient to meet demand and emerging innovation in treatment and diagnosis is critical to the delivery of first-class cancer care - never more so than in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. 

radiography 1 (2).jpgWorking with Health Education England (HEE), the Cancer Alliance is developing a strategy for cancer workforce across West Yorkshire and Harrogate and the implementation of the NHS People Plan. This will include recruitment and retention, training, new role development and cancer specific workforce objectives, for example workforce for non-surgical oncology services.

Collaborating With Partners

We are responding to the NHS People Plan for 20-21 and beyond by working with our partners across the region and wider, to develop and deliver an integrated workforce strategy for cancer to help us achieve the ambitions of the Long Term Plan for cancer.

We will do this in collaboration with partners regionally and nationally including Health Education England; the priority programmes of the West Yorkshire and Harrogate Integrated Care System (ICS); Health Education England, NHS England/Improvement and other skills/education providers.  Examples of this work include:

  • Scoping and evaluating new roles and competencies and new and more collaborative ways of working across West Yorkshire and Harrogate to help manage capacity and demand and to respond to emerging treatments and technologies
  • Funding, promotion and development of training, education, and apprenticeship opportunities and educational tools and resources for the regional cancer workforce working with regional Higher Education providers and other partners
  • Supporting a strategic approach to development and transformation of the regional workforce via priority programmes including Primary Care, Diagnostics, Non Surgical Oncology, Optimal Pathways, Adopt & Adapt, End of Life/Palliative Care
  • Promote a collaborative approach to workforce challenges by engaging with partners and programmes regionally and nationally to share knowledge and learning

For more information, contact Dr Rachel Moser, Cancer Workforce Lead for West Yorkshire and Harrogate,

Further Information

Click on the links below to access the following information:

Workforce Strategy and Plans for WY&H

Job vacancies, training and education opportunities and other workforce and transformation related initiatives and resources in West Yorkshire and Harrogate

Health Education England’s Cancer Workforce Plans and Strategy