Personalised Care

LWBC#5 Qim Manifester.jpg More people than ever are living with and beyond cancer and we   have to consider how they are best supported moving forward with   their lives.

 Quality of life outcomes are as important to people as survival,   therefore personalising care and aftercare, and putting patients more   in control of their recovery is an important aspect of improving the   patient experience.

 Personalised care means a shift in relationship between health and   care professionals and people. This shift in relationship allows people   to be valued as an active partner in conversations and decisions   about their health and wellbeing. They can work in partnership with   health and care professionals with regards to decision making and   have the information and support they need to make informed   choices with more control, so their health and wellbeing needs are   met effectively in a way that matters to them.

 Personalised care focuses on “what matters to you” rather than   ‘what’s the matter with you’, and on the patient having to tell their   story just once. It is about people and health and care professionals   sharing knowledge, expertise and responsibility for the individual's   health and wellbeing, allowing them to be seen as a whole person   with skills, strengths and attributes, as well as needs to be met.

Personalised care left shift infographic.jpgMore information about personalised care for people living with and beyond cancer on the NHS England website and the Macmillan website.

West Yorkshire and Harrogate Health and Care Partnership - more information about personalised care across all programme areas of the Integrated Care System (ICS).

Macmillan's guide to Providing Personalised Care For People Living With Cancer   

Click here to access the report - Supporting Patients Living With A Palliative Cancer Diagnosis across West Yorkshire and Harrogate Cancer Alliance.

Recommendation One of this report states that the Cancer Alliance should:  "Further engage with people in BAME groups, patients with learning difficulties and other protected characteristics who have not contributed in any of the engagement mechanisms used to inform this report. Also work with existing agencies to raise awareness and be advised on how to engage with people from these groups".

Here is a link to a report of those discussions with members of the patient panel in May 2020.

Working With Optimal Pathway Groups

The Cancer Alliance Living With and Beyond Cancer team are working with regional colleagues to ensure that every patient with cancer across West Yorkshire and Harrogate receives personalised care and support from their diagnosis onwards. Working alongside our Optimal Pathways Groups for each tumour site, we are looking to reduce variation, standardise patient and treatment pathways, and embed personalised care interventions within cancer pathways.

These interventions will help support and guide people to look after their own health and wellbeing and to know what to do if they have concerns following treatment. The knowledge and the skills will allow a number of patients with non-complicated disease to access personalised stratified follow-up and supported self-management.

Memorandum Of Understanding - Personalised Care Interventions

In March 2020 NHS England and NHS Improvement provided communications to clarify the change in terminology from Recovery Package to Personalised Care Interventions.

A West Yorkshire and Harrogate Memorandum of Understanding has been produced to reflect the change in language, clarify the meaning of the terms used, and ensure consistency across organisations in West Yorkshire and Harrogate.This is a live document and will be updated as and when required.

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Find more information on each of the personalised care interventions by clicking on the links below: