Investigation And Referral For Suspected Cancer

This section of our website is currently under further development. We want to make it as useful as possible for professionals and other colleagues who provide cancer care, advice and support.Prof Sean Duffy head and shoulders July 2019.JPG

Click here to contact the Alliance and let us know the sort of information you would want to find here. In the meantime, please read on......

Professor Sean Duffy, Cancer Alliance Clinical Lead

FIT Testing - Guidance On Two Week Wait And Low Risk

Faecal immunotherapy testing (FIT) is available to general practitioners in West Yorkshire and Harrogate.  Local policy relating to the use of FIT is under review, following guidance received in June 2022 from the Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland (ACPGBI) and the British Society of Gastroenterology (BSG).  For information purposes, a copy of the guidance from the ACPGBI can be found here.  The Cancer Alliance will advise stakeholders of the findings of its review in due course.  

Free Online Cancer Education For Primary Care - Gateway C

An online cancer education website, already being used by 1,200 other primary care staff across the UK, is available for free to primary care professionals in West Yorkshire and Harrogate Cancer Alliance, with funding from Health Education England.

GatewayC is an interactive online portal with a range of courses supporting early diagnosis and living with and beyond cancer, and key areas including lung and colorectal cancers. The learning is designed to support primary care staff in the early detection of cancer, support 28 and 62 day pathways and improve the patient experience of the referral process.

To register for your free account or for more information, visit the Gateway C website 

E-Learning Module for GPs - Detecting Cancer in Children and Young People

Teenage Cancer Trust has created a module in partnership with Clic Sargent and the Royal College of General Practitioners to help GPs and healthcare professionals spot the signs of cancer in young people and boost professional development.

Complete the 30-minute e-learning module now at