The Clinical Advisory Board (CAB) acts as the primary source of expert clinical advice, leadership challenge and scrutiny to support the West Yorkshire and Harrogate Cancer Alliance Board in discharging its role and functions, and provides an efficient co-ordinated mechanism between the Cancer Optimal Pathway Groups and the Alliance Board.

The CAB assists the Alliance Board in driving  improvement and reducing unwarranted variation in outcomes, both in terms of survival and experience of care for people with cancer across West Yorkshire and Harrogate. This extends from prevention strategies, through screening and early diagnosis, delivery of evidence based treatment, living with and beyond cancer, palliative and supportive care to end of life care.

The Clinical Advisory Board is made up of the following:

  • Acute (Hospital) Trust Cancer Lead Clinicians
  • Clinical Commissioning Group GP Cancer Leads
  • Alliance Cancer Research UK Primary Care Lead
  • Acute (Hospital) Trust Cancer Lead Nurses
  • Representative of the Research Network
  • Patient and Carer Representation

It aims to meet three times per year.

It reports to the West Yorkshire and Harrogate Cancer Alliance Board through the Cancer Alliance Clinical Director and it receives reports and recommendations from Optimal Pathway Groups and other Alliance programmes as appropriate.

Click here to download the Clinical Advisory Board's Terms of Reference and current membership.