A picture containing person, suit, person, businessDescription automatically generatedMr Young graduated from Edinburgh University in 2002 but undertook most of his surgical training in Yorkshire.  

He completed his fellowship in pancreatic, hepatobiliary, and liver transplant surgery at The Austin hospital in Melbourne Australia in 2016/17, before starting as a Consultant Pancreatic Surgeon in Leeds in 2018.  He carries out laparoscopic and open pancreatic, biliary, and general surgery at St James's University Hospital, Leeds.

He is always keen to develop further and completed an observership at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, USA in 2019 to learn more about their cutting-edge neoadjuvant program for patients with pancreatic cancer.

Alastair has completed a PhD in molecular aspects of tumour metastasis. He has published widely but his more recent research has focused on research to improve treatment decision making both in multidisciplinary team meetings and in clinics and the evaluation of outcomes most important to patients and their relatives.  

He also heads a research group looking at gender disparities in surgical training and practice. In addition to this role he has been MDT Lead for the pancreatic and duodenal cancer MDT in Leeds since 2019. 

He is also a Royal College of Surgeons College Tutor and is lead for governance for his department. He also serves as a committee member for both the European-African and International hepatopancreatic biliary associations.