Quality Improvement Share and Learn Event (Via Microsoft Teams)

29th April 2021

This event showcased the improvement work - with patients at the heart - that has taken place since last year's WYH Cancer Improvement Collaborative session.

Speakers from Airedale NHS Foundation Trust; Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust; Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS TrustCalderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust and Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust, as well as the Cancer Alliance Programme Management Team, shared details of projects in their locality and across the region.

Click here to access the full agenda for the event, which was opened by WYH Cancer Alliance Clinical Lead,  Professor Sean Duffy.


Click on the links below to view the presentations from the event:

Airedale NHS Foundation Trust: Rapid Diagnostic Centre Development

Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust: Digital Interaction and Development For Patients

Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust : Online Services For Patient Centric Cancer Information

Leeds Cancer Centre: Beyond ACE - Expanding The Leeds System Into RDC and Community Diagnostic Hub Principles

Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust: Patients At The Heart Of Our Pathways

WYH Cancer Alliance: Co-design and Co-creation = Co-Production, Online Information For Head and Neck Cancer Patients

WYH Cancer Alliance: Evaluation of Rapid Diagnostic Centres

WYH Cancer Alliance/Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust: Improving the approach and delivery of Personalised Care and Support planning based on eHNA through the delivery of a virtual staff training programme

For further information, please contact i.ablett-spence@nhs.net


Posters have also been produced to highlight a range of other improvement work in addition to the projects covered by presentations at the event. Access each poster by clicking on the link below.


Hope for Tomorrow cancer unit.jpg

Cancer Services at Airedale General Hospital

Lung Cancer Services at Airedale General Hospital

Mobile Cancer Care Unit - Airedale Hospital NHS Foundation  Trust and Hope for Tomorrow

Rapid Diagnostic Centre - Airedale General Hospital

Rapid Diagnostic Centre - Airedale General Hospital and Ilkley Moor Medical Centre Trial

Transperineal Biopsy Service for Men with Suspected Prostate Cancer: Airedale General Hospital


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 Bradford Next Steps Clinic - Improving Access To Post   Treatment Non Clinical Support and Services

 Bradford Targeted Lung Health Checks

 Community lung health check as a screening tool for lung   cancer: initial results from a Bradford pilot

 Development of Cancer Website - Bradford Teaching Hospitals   NHS Foundation Trust

 Non-Site Specific Rapid Diagnostic Centre - Bradford Teaching   Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

 Developing Nurse-Led Prostate (PSA Monitoring) Follow Up   Clinics - Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust




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