Healthy Communities and Cancer Prevention

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Over 40% of cancers diagnosed in the UK each year are caused by unhealthy lifestyle choices such as smoking, increased alcohol consumption, poor diet and physical inactivity.

The Healthy Communities Cancer Alliance work aims to help people live healthier lives by targeting these cancer risk factors throughout the cancer pathway. We are investing heavily in prevention, screening and awareness raising.

The programme is closely aligned to the work of the West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership’s Prevention Network and Smokefree Forum, the Regional Tobacco Community of Improvement and NHS England's programme of Targeted Lung Health Checks.

Smoking Cessation

Smoking is the largest cause of cancer in the UK. It is known to cause 16 different types of cancer. Evidence suggests that smoking increases health inequalities affecting those already suffering from poor health and other disadvantages. Tobacco is the largest preventable cause of cancer and death in the UK. Smoking rates in the UK are decreasing, around 14% of adults are current smokers.

You are three times more likely to stop smoking with the support of your local stop smoking service. There are lots of options available to help you achieve your smoke free goal. Please follow the links in the table below to find out about your local stop smoking service.

The Cancer Alliance is  committed to the NHS Smokefree Pledge and Smokefree Action Road map

Click here to access Yorkshire Smokefree to help and support you in quitting today.

Weight Management

Yorkshire and the Humber has among the highest proportion of adults who are overweight and obese in the country, and this is increasing. If you are overweight, you are more likely to get cancer than if you are a healthy weight.  Obesity is the second biggest cause of cancer in the UK, particularly if this has been the case for a long period of time. Keeping a healthy weight reduces the risk of 13 different types of cancer including breast, bowel and pancreatic.

The Healthy Communities Programme works with stakeholders across the health care system to tackle system-wide issues of unhealthy weight across West Yorkshire and Harrogate.

If you are concerned about your weight and would like to talk to someone about making a lifestyle change, please follow the links in the table below to find your local weight management service.

Alternatively, for those who prefer online support, there is an NHS Digital Weight Management Programme designed to help people struggling to lose weight. They will be offered help from their high street pharmacy as part of NHS action to tackle rising obesity levels. People living with obesity can ask their pharmacist to refer them to the NHS Digital Weight Management Programme which offers access to 12-week online plans providing nutrition advice, wellbeing support and tips on boosting activity levels.

Physical Activity

Being active can help reduce the risk of 13 different types of cancer, particularly lung and bowel. Adults should aim for around 20 minutes of moderate exercise per day – whether that be a brisk walk, swimming or riding a bike.

There are lots of ways in which you can be more active. For more advice and support around how you can do this, please follow the links in the table below.
Health Improvement children exercising CREDIT World Obesity Federation.jpg

(Photograph, right, courtesy of World Obesity Federation).

Alcohol Reduction

Whatever your drinking habits, cutting down will reduce your risk of cancer. Alcohol causes seven types of cancer including breast, bowel, and mouth.

The Government recommends drinking no more than 14 units per week for both men and women, with at least three alcohol free days per week. 14 units is the equivalent of a bottle and a half of wine or seven pints of regular strength lager (3-4%).

Making a few changes to your routine can help make a big difference to how much you’re drinking.

If you would like support to reduce your alcohol consumption, please follow the links in the table below to find  more information.

Help and Support: Community Services - West Yorkshire and Harrogate



Weight Management

Smoking Cessation

Physical activity

Alcohol Reduction


Aspire Health

Yorkshire Smokefree

Aspire Health

Inspiring Recovery


One You Leeds

One You Leeds

One You Leeds

Forward Leeds




    Living Well Bradford

Bradford Encouraging Exercise    In People(BEEP)

Living Well Bradford



Kirklees Wellness Service 

Kirklees Wellness Service

Kirklees Wellness Service

Alcohol Support Kirklees (ASK)


 Better Living Service

Yorkshire Smokefree

Better Living Service

Calderdale Recovery Steps



Living Well Smokefree


North Yorkshire Horizons











British Journal of Cancer

Cancer Research UK

Global Health Data Exchange Global Burden of Disease (GBD) Results Tool. Available here Accessed October 2020.


If you have any questions about the Healthy Communities programme or require more information, contact Healthy Communities Project Manager, Hayley Snowden: email