The NHS Long Term Plan - Published January 2019

Cancer survival rates are higher than ever, and fewer people are dying from their cancer.

This is testament to the dedication of NHS staff across the country, the work of patient groups, charities and many others across health and care, and to great advances in cancer diagnosis and treatment.

But we know that there is more to do so that every patient has the best chance of survival and receives the very best treatment and care.

With a new five year funding settlement, the NHS has developed a Long Term Plan, published in January 2019. This means we can do more than stand still, and that we can make sensible phased improvements to deliver a sustainable NHS for the future.

Click here to read more about the NHS Long Term Plan.

The Long Term Plan builds on the foundations set by the Five Year Forward View and the report of the independent Cancer Taskforce (2015), which provided a blueprint for improving cancer outcomes and services.

NHS England wanted to hear from patients, organisations and networks about their experiences and priorities for cancer care in England, including evidence of what had worked in their local area.

People were asked to consider four key questions when providing their feedback in the late summer/early autumn of 2018:

1. What are your top three priorities for improving cancer outcomes and care over the next five and ten years?

2. What more can be done to ensure that:

a. More cancers are prevented?

b. More cancers are diagnosed early and quickly?

c. People can maintain a good quality of life during and after treatment?

d. People with cancer have a good experience of care?

3. How can we recruit, train and retain the workforce to deliver the changes we need and the priorities you have shared?

4. How can we address variation and inequality to ensure everyone has access to the best diagnostic services, treatment and care?