Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic (HPPB) Cancer Optimal Pathway Group
The group provides strategic oversight for the improvement of HPB cancer outcomes and patient experience across West Yorkshire and Harrogate. By taking a whole pathway and systemwide approach, the group implements and supports:
- Urgent responses to pressures recently seen with COVID-19.
- National cancer priorities outlined in the in the 5 Year Forward View and 10 Year Forward Plan (screening, early diagnosis, delivery of the Rapid Diagnostic Pathways and Personalised Care interventions.)
- Development and update of the local clinical guidelines.
The group plans to meet three times a year. The schedule will culminate in an educational event, where shared learning and best practice is presented to a wider networked audience.
Current priorities for the newly-established group include:
- Implementing a rapid jaundice pathway and utilising the development of rapid diagnostic services to progress this
- Developing consistent regional patient information including videos to support patients through the pathway from diagnosis, to living with and beyond cancer.
- Improving MDT practice, e.g. development of a virtual MDT, exploring the protocolising of patients with non-complex cases.
If you require further information, please contact the Optimal Pathways team by emailing optimal.pathways@nhs.net.