West Yorkshire and Harrogate Cancer Improvement Collaborative

A new way of working together, breaking down organisational barriers and taking a whole-system approach to enhancing patient experience through improving cancer waiting time performance, has been launched in West Yorkshire and Harrogate.

Led by the Chief Executives of our six acute hospital Trusts, the launch of the WYH Cancer Alliance improvement collaborative was attended by more than 100 patients, clinicians, managers and cancer team members from across local places.

Learn more about the West Yorkshire and Harrogate Cancer Improvement Collaborative

Local Service Improvement Collaboration

The Cancer Alliance has funded Service Improvement Leads (SILs) in each of our six local places to provide additional hands-on support to local cancer improvement initiatives.

The Trust-based SILs team support local priorities, work with patients and carers and embed service improvement in local services. The team works across West Yorkshire and Harrogate on agreed priorities to share learning and adopt ‘done once and share’ principles.

More information about this work is available from the individual SILs. 

Quality Improvement Share and Learn Event (Via Microsoft Teams)

29th April 2021

This event showcased the improvement work - with patients at the heart - that has taken place since the WYH Cancer Improvement Collaborative session in 2020.

Speakers from Airedale NHS Foundation TrustLeeds Teaching Hospitals NHS TrustMid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust;  Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust and Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust, as well as the Cancer Alliance Programme Management Team, shared details of projects in their locality and across the region.

Click here to learn more and to access the presentations delivered at the event.