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Early Diagnosis - Improving Diagnostic Pathways

Cancer is the biggest cause of death from illness in every age group in West Yorkshire and Harrogate and will affect one in two of the population born since 1960. Around 115 people die from cancer each week in our area and the number of new cases diagnosed is increasing year on year.

Currently, around 50% of cancers are diagnosed at curative stage - stages 1 and 2 - across West Yorkshire and Harrogate. This figure is comparable to the England average.

However, if our early diagnosis rate was the same as the best performing Cancer Alliance, an additional 156 patients could receive treatment when there is a better chance of achieving a complete cure.

In this section, you will find information about the work that is underway to deliver earlier diagnosis through these areas of work. Click on the link to read more:

Improving Uptake of Bowel, Breast and Cervical Screening

screening review image.jpg Screening uptake is also relatively poor across West Yorkshire and   Harrogate, with a lower than average uptake of both breast, cervical and   colorectal screening opportunities in many of our local areas.

 A key priority for the Cancer Alliance therefore is making more cancers   curable by supporting ways of achieving earlier diagnosis, promoting   greater awareness of signs and symptoms and increasing the uptake of   screening.


Please see our Healthy Communities page for more information on screening.