Haematology Cancer Optimal Pathway Group
The group provides strategic oversight for the improvement of haematology cancer outcomes and patient experience across West Yorkshire and Harrogate. By taking a whole pathway and systemwide approach the group implements and supports:
- Urgent responses to pressures recently seen with COVID-19
- National cancer priorities outlined in the in the NHS 5 Year Forward View and NHS Long Term Plan (screening, early diagnosis, delivery of the Rapid Diagnostic Centres and Personalised Care interventions.)
Development and update of the local clinical guidelines.
The group is newly established and plans to meet three times a year, as well as host an educational event, where shared learning and best practice is presented to a wider networked audience.
Current priority areas for the group are:
- To develop a regional approach for streamlining the follow up of haematological cancers
- To consider how MDT meetings can be streamlined and made more time efficient in line with local recommendations and national guidance
- To review vetting and triage approaches, sharing best practice as well as developing 2ww referral forms to support decision making
- To develop online patient information
- To review the consultant out of hours service to determine if a regional approach is feasible
- To identify improvements to support diagnostics e.g. vetting and triage, requesting specific tests in primary care.
If you require further information, please contact the Optimal Pathways team by emailing optimal.pathways@nhs.net.
To view the calendar of meetings and events, click here