Information For Professionals Providing Care And Support

Useful Documents and References

West Yorks and Harrogate Memorandum of Understanding - Recovery Package Terms November 2020

West Yorks and Harrogate Lead Cancer Nurse Gold Standard Personalised Care Support Planning Using HNA

West Yorks and Harrogate Lead Cancer Nurse End of Treatment Summary Principles October 2020

West Yorks and Harrogate Cancer Alliance - Risk Stratified Follow Up and Supported Self-Management Guidelines v1 May 2019

West Yorks and Harrogate Cancer Alliance - Delivering Cancer Care Reviews : Findings and Principles May 2019

NHS England Improving Cancer Follow Up Digital Remote Monitoring System Implementation Guide Jan 2021

NHS England Improving Personalised Stratified Follow Up Pathways - Handbook for Local Health and Care Systems March 2021

National Cancer Patient Experience Survey - Reports

National Cancer Survivorship Initiative, Living With and Beyond Cancer, Taking Action To Improve Outcomes, March 2013

Macmillan Best Practice Forum - Learning For Professionals

Macmillan Cancer Support, Carrying Out An Effective Cancer Care Review

NHS Yorkshire and the Humber Clinical Networks, Cancer Care Reviews - Insight, Opportunities and Top Tips

Macmillan information for health professionals about Personalised Care for people living with cancer

Macmillan information for health professionals on Holistic Needs Assessments

More information for health professionals about the Macmillan Living With And Beyond Cancer Programme in  South and Mid Yorkshire, Bassetlaw and North Derbyshire

Guidelines and Optimal Pathways

Click here here to access the national timed pathways put in place by NHS England to support providers, led by Cancer Alliances, to deliver a faster diagnostic pathway for lung, colorectal and prostate cancer. The documents build on the National Optimal Lung Cancer Pathway and other programmes of work from charities and the national cancer vanguard. NHS England has worked closely with the Chairs of the national Clinical Expert Groups in developing these resources.

The Cancer Alliance has supported the review and update of a number of clinical guidelines involving the clinical community across West Yorkshire and Harrogate. Click here to find out more.