Listed below in alphabetical order are websites you may find useful if you need information, help or support. Please contact us if you have others you feel should be included.

Action Bladder Cancer


Bowel Cancer UK

Breast Cancer Care

Breast Cancer Now


Breathe 2025 – inspiring a smokefree generation

British Lung Foundation

British Liver Trust

Cancer52 – an alliance of 90+ organisations supporting patients with lesser known cancers

Cancer Research UK

Carers UK

Carers Trust

Clic Sargent

Fruitfly Collective - building new ways to support children, adults and families affected by cancer, through creativity, education, research and communication

Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust

Kidney Cancer UK

Macmillan Cancer Support

Marie Curie Cancer Care

Maggie’s Centres

Oracle Cancer Trust – leading research into head and neck cancer in the UK

Pancreatic Cancer UK

Prostate Cancer UK

Roy Castle Foundation

Teenage Cancer Trust

Yorkshire Cancer Patient Forum

Yorkshire Cancer Research

You may also be interested in the following:

NHS England National Cancer Programme

All Party Parliamentary Group On Cancer