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Earlier diagnosis of cancer is dependent on rapid access to clinicians,   investigations and diagnostic tests, including endoscopy, imaging and   pathology.

 The Cancer Alliance has invested in a West Yorkshire and Harrogate   wide programme of activity to develop a strategic approach to   diagnostics to ensure that sufficient capacity is available to meet the   long term plan ambitions for cancer.

 An initial review of demand and capacity work undertaken for CT &   MRI has provided a baseline position to identify where variations   across West Yorkshire and Harrogate occur and where improvements   in delivery can be made to support strategic plans for improved   capacity aligned to a five-year plan.

 Working in collaboration with the established Yorkshire Imaging         Collaborative and the WYH Pathology Network, the Cancer Alliance   will ensure that both cancer and non-cancer diagnostic work is co-   ordinated across the health system, and that policies and protocols   are standardised.

yorkshire imaging collaborative.jpgA newly established West Yorkshire and Harrogate endoscopy network will bring together primary and secondary care clinicians and service managers to agree evidence based clinical pathways for investigation of symptoms, to ensure that endoscopy services capacity is fully optimised and that services share best practice.

The Cancer Alliance, Planned Care Alliance and West Yorkshire Association of Acute Trusts (WYAAT) are working together to support delivery of national NHSE/I ‘Adopt and Adapt’ programme priorities for CT/MRI and endoscopy to support service recovery and deliver innovation and improvement.