Published on: Friday 17th April 2020

Radiology Services Across Yorkshire Transformed By New Image Sharing Technology

Radiology services across Yorkshire and the Humber are to be transformed by new technology which allows organisations to view patient images and reports across seven NHS hospital trusts, plus the newly established NHS Nightingale Hospital Yorkshire and the Humber.

With demand on departments only increasing in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, this new technology enables the connected hospitals, which collectively cover a patient population of over three million, to diagnose patients who are transferred between sites at a much quicker rate than was previously possible.

Benefits to patients include:

  • reduced number of scans needed, in some cases, thereby lowering the amount of radiation received by individual patients
  • reduced number of visits to hospital
  • more accurate diagnosis for patients as images and reports acquired at different sites can be viewed

The Yorkshire Imaging Collaborative (YIC), the official name of the hospital trusts working together to improve radiology services, has accelerated the implementation of this new software, to support hospitals during the Covid-19 pandemic. The following trusts will benefit from this new technology:

• Airedale NHS Foundation Trust

• Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

• Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust

• Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust

• Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

• Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust

• Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust and

• NHS Nightingale Hospital Yorkshire and the Humber

Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust will be connected a later date.

YIC is part of the West Yorkshire Association of Acute Trusts (WYAAT), a collaboration of hospitals working together to improve services for patients and staff.

For further information or questions, please email