Published on: Thursday 2nd March 2023

Red carpet treatment for cancer patients and nurses as Leeds cinema screens their stories

Cancer patients from West Yorkshire and Harrogate received the ‘red carpet’ treatment this week, along with their cancer nursing professionals, as they attended a cinema premiere of a series of films in which they feature to help others diagnosed with the disease.

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The patients, their families and nursing teams were guests of honour at Cineworld White Rose Centre in Leeds, for the first showing of the films which will now be used by cancer teams, charities and patient groups across West Yorkshire and Harrogate, to support those living with and beyond cancer.

Funded through the West Yorkshire and Harrogate Cancer Alliance patient education bursary, the seven films include advice for patients just finishing or on long-term cancer treatment for breast, colorectal, lung and prostate cancer, along with general health and wellbeing advice.  

A further film – produced in partnership with the patient led charity, Yorkshire Cancer Community (YCC) – reinforces the important role that patients play in supporting others facing the same fears and challenges after they receive a diagnosis and go on to treatment and rehabilitation.

The six hospital NHS Trusts across the area collaborated on the project, along with YCC, after they submitted successful bids to the Cancer Alliance bursary scheme, which is now in its third year and is designed to boost services and support for the increasing number of patients living with and beyond cancer. Organisations and/or individuals working in GP surgeries or the community; in hospitals or specialist services, in voluntary organisations and charities, were invited to share their projects, apply for funding and explain how they could make a difference. 

Group shot of nurses and lead cancer nurses.jpgThe latest videos feature Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNSs) and other health professionals, along with patient talking about their own experiences of cancer – breaking down barriers around subjects considered sensitive; challenging perceptions and mythbusting, and offering their own advice on how to deal with the impact of cancer on their everyday lives.

All seven films can be viewed here