Published on: Friday 15th March 2019

Ovarian cancer isn’t a silent killer – it whispers. You have to listen carefully, says Val

If it doesn’t feel right to you – get it checked out. That’s the message from Val, who was diagnosed with stage three ovarian cancer in late 2015.

“Most women know their own bodies, and it is too easy for us to let ourselves be fobbed off with what we know instinctively isn’t right,” said Val. “Ovarian cancer isn’t a silent killer – it whispers, so you have to listen very carefully and act when you feel something isn’t quite as it should be.”

The symptoms of ovarian cancer can be quite vague and are easily and often mistaken for something else, including the menopause and irritable bowel syndrome.

Val shares her story during Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month to encourage other women to seek help and an early diagnosis.

"I’m glad I now have the opportunity to make sure that services are made better for those women who may be diagnosed with ovarian cancer in the future.”

Read Val's story here.