Published on: Monday 22nd July 2019

Partnership Campaign Returns

West Yorkshire and Harrogate Health and Care Partnership’s community campaign ‘Looking out for our neighbours' has returned for a second phase, to help prevent loneliness and social isolation this winter, with continued backing from the WYH Cancer Alliance.

The campaign, which aims to combat loneliness across the region, has inspired hundreds of people to take conscious steps to look out for those around them through simple, everyday interactions like saying hello and sharing a cuppa.

This phase builds on the success of the campaign earlier this year when local people carried out over 46,000 acts of kindness in their local neighbourhoods across Bradford District and Craven; Calderdale; Harrogate; Kirklees, Leeds and Wakefield. Evaluation showed that 72% of people believed that the campaign has made a positive difference to their neighbours’ wellbeing and now the Partnership is encouraging even more people to get involved.

This is particularly vital during the winter months as people, especially those who are older or vulnerable, can easily become isolated or lonely as a result of bad weather or the added social pressure that comes with the festive season.

So many people affected by cancer report feeling lonely and isolated, after their diagnosis, during treatment and after their treatment ends. The support of family, friends and others around them plays such a vital role in their recovery and well-being, and feelings of isolation can be exacerbated without that important support network.

The launch of the winter phase of the campaign aims to once again inspire people to reach out to those who live alone and encourage them to do simple things that will make a real difference to their neighbours’ wellbeing. This could be anything from offering to pick up something from the shops when the weather is bad, to gritting their paths and drives, to inviting people who live alone to celebrate the festive season together.

Rob Webster, CEO Lead for West Yorkshire and Harrogate Health and Care Partnership and CEO for South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust said: ‘The motivation of all those involved in the campaign earlier this year was overwhelming. It’s heartening to hear what can be achieved when we all come together to offer simple acts of kindness. Many people feel more alone in winter with the long dark nights, especially older neighbours who can go days without seeing or talking to anyone. It’s a very sad fact that can easily be sorted by us all pulling together to do out bit. It can be as easy as saying hello’.

The campaign relaunched in December 2019 and runs across West Yorkshire and Harrogate until March 2020. It will include providing the public with helpful tips and advice to inspire individuals to do small things to look out for their neighbour during the winter. Free resources will be available to download from the campaign website ( as well as daily inspiration and local stories posted across social media using the hashtag #OurNeighbours.

For press enquiries please contact Karen Coleman, Communication & Engagement Lead at the West Yorkshire and Harrogate Health and Care Partnership, on: or 07811766006.

To download your own helpful neighbour pack or find out more about the ‘Looking out for our neighbours’ campaign, visit