Published on: Thursday 19th April 2018

Leading cancer charity Cancer Research UK will be in Leeds next month (May 16th) to meet with people with learning disabilities and people with lower literacy levels to find out more about how access to online information about cancer can be improved and better meet their needs.

The charity is inviting people with learning disabilities and people from communities where additional access to information is needed to a focus group in the city. Those communities include, but are not limited to, people from the deaf community, migrant community, gypsy and traveller community and people with lower literacy levels that have been through the criminal justice system.

Everyone who attends the event will be supported to take part and contribute fully to the group discussions.

Subjects to be covered will include reaction to different types of online information, and discussions including:

  • what do people want to know about cancer?
  • where do people think this information should be available?
  • what form should the information take?

Those attending can also get involved in designing a piece of accessible information for Cancer Research UK and are asked to bring along pieces of health information that they think are good and have proved helpful.

Click here for more information; click here to email Jez; click here to email Shaun, or call 0113 2426619