Published on: Monday 4th May 2020

Helpline Support For People With Cancer

A helpline to support cancer patients and carers during the current Covid-19 outbreak has been set up by Leeds Teaching Hospital Trust and Maggie’s.

Cancer can be stressful, particularly so at the moment, and the helpline enables patients at Leeds Teaching Hospitals, who may be worried or concerned about changes to their appointments and treatment, to have a single point of contact.

The helpline number is 0800 923 0014 and the service runs Monday to Friday from 9am until 5pm. Health professionals from both the Trust and Maggie’s are available on the helpline to discuss any concerns patients or their families might have.

There is a current national campaign encouraging cancer patients to continue to stay in touch with their clinicians during the Covid-19 outbreak.The following advice is being given to patients:

  • You must contact your GP practice if you have a symptom that you are worried about.
  • Your clinician will discuss with you the benefits of starting or continuing your cancer treatment against the increased risks of contracting coronavirus.
  • Essential and urgent cancer treatments will continue.
  • We are all working as hard as possible to restore cancer treatment as rapidly as safety permits for both patients and staff

Maggie’s centre, in the grounds of St James’s Hospital, is not able to see people in the centre at the moment, but Maggie’s professional staff are supporting people in their own homes through phone, email and social media. They are there to provide support and answer questions about how treatments may make you feel, if it will affect how you look, or what to do if you have any financial worries.

Maggie’s cancer support specialists can listen to how you are feeling, and their Benefits Advisor can help you with any money worries.

They can be contacted on 0113 4578364 or for specific benefits advice 0113 4578366.