Published on:
Tuesday 26th November 2019
Cancer teams from across West Yorkshire and Harrogate attended a Cancer Alliance share and learn event to promote good practice in personalised care from across the region.
A number of videos have been produced from the day.
Professor Sean Duffy's introduction to the day.
Patient Val Balding talks about the patient experience of personalised care.
Cancer Nurse Specialist Belinda Archer talks about delivering patient education in Leeds.
Tracy Hiley, Cancer Nurse Specialist in Bradford, talks Holistic Needs Assessments.
Macmillan Gynaecology Nurse Specialist Claire Parkinson talks about end of treatment in Airedale.
Click here to view more films on the West Yorkshire and Harrogate Health and Care Partnership Youtube channel, including:
- The implementation of stratified follow-up in Leeds.
- Using patient activation measures to support personalised care.
- Clinical programmes and pathways
- More about the personalised support co-ordination pilot in Bradford
- Implementing personalised support in Calderdale and Huddersfield
- Treatment Summaries in Bradford