Published on: Monday 7th January 2019

The NHS long term plan, published today, will save almost half a million more lives with practical action on major killer conditions and investment in world class, cutting edge treatments including genomic tests for every child with cancer, says NHS England.

The blueprint to make the NHS fit for the future will use the latest technology, such as digital GP consultations for all those who want them, coupled with early detection and a renewed focus on prevention to stop an estimated 85,000 premature deaths each year.

Seventy years after the NHS was founded, the health service will expand care for patients and their families at every stage of life, supporting people to start well, live well and age well.

The NHS will be the first health service in the world to offer whole genome sequencing for children with cancer and young people who have a rare genetic disorder, in addition to adults suffering from certain rare conditions or specific cancers.

The new, individually tailored treatments will be introduced alongside cutting edge testing services that will mean three quarters of cancer patients are diagnosed early, when the condition is easier to treat, up from half at present, saving 55,000 lives a year.

The NHS will also make a significant new contribution to making England a smoke-free society, by supporting people in contact with NHS services to quit based on a proven model implemented in Ottawa, Canada and Manchester.

By 2023/24, all people admitted to hospital who smoke will be offered NHS-funded tobacco treatment services. The model will also be adapted for expectant mothers, and their partners, with a new smoke-free pregnancy pathway including focused sessions and treatments.

A new universal smoking cessation offer will also be available as part of specialist mental health services for long-term users of specialist mental health, and in learning disability services. On the advice of PHE, this will include the option to switch to e-cigarettes while in inpatient settings.

Click here to learn more about work in West Yorkshire and Harrogate to tackle lung cancer and to support smokers to quit.

Professor Sean Duffy, Clinical Lead of the West Yorkshire and Harrogate Cancer Alliance, said:

"The continued emphasis on improving cancer outcomes and the ambition to diagnose more curable cancers is most welcome.

"West Yorkshire and Harrogate Cancer Alliance is very well placed to help deliver the ambitions with work already ongoing in rapid diagnostic centres, the new faster diagnosis standard, lung health checks, personalised care and stratified follow-up after diagnosis and treatment."

Click here to read the NHS Long Term Plan in full.

Watch this video to find out what some of those involved in developing the Long Term Plan think about it, including Cally Palmer, National Cancer Director.