Published on: Monday 23rd April 2018

Experience of Care Week 2018 is an international initiative running from 23rd to 27th April to celebrate the work happening across health and social care to constantly improve experiences of care for patients, families, carers and staff.

Voluntary sector organisations, alongside organisations which commission and provide NHS services, are being encouraged to get involved in this milestone year of the 70th anniversary of the National Health Service. The West Yorkshire and Harrogate Cancer Alliance is supporting the initiative.

The overall aim of the Cancer Alliance is to improve the lives of all those affected by cancer across the area, by ensuring that cancer care, treatment and support is wrapped around each individual patient. The Alliance Delivery Plan 2017 - 2019 articulates a vision of:

"The West Yorkshire cancer system pulling together as one, with common objectives, actively breaking down barriers and maximising resources, with the aim of being able to deliver the best possible, seamless, clinically and patient driven health and social care, so that every person affected by cancer is assured of the best possible outcomes".

Visit our Experience of Care Week page to read what some of our patients have to say.