Published on: Thursday 19th August 2021



West Yorkshire and Harrogate Cancer Alliance is backing the latest phase of the NHS England/Public Health England Help Us Help You campaign - urging people with possible signs and symptoms of lung, abdominal and urological cancers to seek advice from their GP.

HUHY abdo #1.jpgThe next phase of the 'Help Us Help You' campaign is now live (launched August 16), with adverts across TV, radio and social media, raising awareness of a number of different cancers; encouraging people to take action and stressing that the NHS is very much 'open for business' and waiting to hear from them.

The latest annual data shows that around 142,000 people were diagnosed with cancers in the abdominal area or urological cancers in England but people who are suffering with symptoms may be reluctant to visit their GP. They may be embarrassed about their symptoms, or concerned that they might be wasting their doctor’s time, or they may just put their symptoms down to getting older.

In addition, people may be concerned that they will be a burden to the NHS while staff are dealing with COVID-19.

Alongside lung cancer - West Yorkshire and Harrogate's biggest cancer killer - the campaign will target bowel, pancreatic, oesophageal, stomach, ovarian and uterine cancers (collectively described as abdominal), along with urological cancers of the kidney, prostate and bladder.

The campaign encourages anyone who has had tummy troubles such as discomfort or diarrhoea for three weeks or more, or seen blood in their pee - even just once - to contact their GP practice. For lung cancer, anyone who has had a cough for three weeks or more is advised to take action. 

While it’s probably nothing serious, any of these symptoms could be a sign of something that needs treatment. If it is cancer, finding it early makes it more treatable and can save lives

More information is available by visiting

Learn more about the cancer charities providing information, help and support