Published on: Friday 2nd December 2022

People living with and beyond a cancer diagnosis will benefit after West Yorkshire and Harrogate Cancer Alliance awarded more than £80,000 to fund a series of innovative projects.

A range of organisations have benefited from the funding which helps patients manage their own conditions at the end of treatment.

Patients are helped to manage the impact of their condition closer to home, with access to clinical teams when they need it and with the right information, education and support.

Successful projects include a tailored education and rehabilitation programme for men receiving specialist treatment for prostate cancer. Nicky Hill, Prehabilitation Lead from Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust said: “This opportunity aims to improve long term health and function for patients by minimising the impact of side effects of hormone therapy through exercise and education, providing them with the knowledge, skills and confidence to self-manage following the 12-week programme.”

Another initiative involves a cancer buddying scheme with a focus on recruiting more volunteer buddies from ethnic minority communities. Afisa Kauser from Bradford Community Alliance (Community Interest Company) said: “Thank-you WYP Cancer Alliance for supporting this much needed initiative.

“Our trained Cepheus Cancer buddies will provide social and emotional support to South Asian people living with or recovering from cancer.”

Now in its third year, the WYH Cancer Alliance patient education bursary scheme invites organisations and/or individuals working in GP surgeries or the community; in hospitals or specialist services, in voluntary organisations and charities to apply for funding and explain how they can make a difference.

Kate Bartholomew 2.jpgKate Bartholomew, a member of WYH Cancer Alliance’s Patient Panel and the education bursaries judging panel (pictured right), said: “Our aim is to ensure that patients can have the best possible care, from pre-diagnosis to post treatment.

“This means ensuring that their needs are supported, that they have information available on how to self-manage their condition and how and where to access support when needed. It is a holistic approach beyond clinical needs. All of the successful applications have demonstrated this with their creative and innovative ideas.”

Jason Pawluk.jpgJason Pawluk, (pictured left). Programme Director at WYH Cancer Alliance, said: “The bursaries support the development of education and information designed to ensure that patients feel confident and supported to embark on supported self-management; to manage the potential longer-term mental and physical consequences of their cancer and treatment, and to adopt a healthy lifestyle which supports their overall health and wellbeing.

“The WYH Cancer Alliance ambition is to see an overall increase in the number of patients on appropriate supported self-management and to empower all cancer patients through education.”


For a full list of beneficiaries and projects, click here

The WYH Cancer Alliance is part of West Yorkshire and Harrogate Health and Care Partnership - click here to read more about the Partnership.

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