Published on: Monday 1st November 2021

Cancer Patients Scoop National Award For Commitment To Improvement Of Care And Service

A dedicated group of people affected by cancer have picked up a national volunteering award for their work to  ensure the patient voice is heard loud and clear in the development and improvement of care and services across West Yorkshire and Harrogate (WYH).

Members of the WYH Cancer Alliance community/patient panel have been announced as winners of the Helpforce Champions Award 2021 in the Partnership and Systems Working In Volunteering category. The news was announced on social media by Helpforce Chief Executive Mark Lever - see video below.

The award recognises the continued commitment and contribution of the panel - which is hosted by Healthwatch Wakefield on behalf of the Cancer  Alliance - during an unprecedented and turbulent year. When their programme of regular face to face discussions had to stop at the start of the pandemic, the group moved to meeting online, with support from panel co-ordinator Fraser Corry.

Welcoming the news of the award, Jason Pawluk, WYH Cancer Alliance Programme Director, pictured below right, said:

Jason Pawluk.jpg"We are delighted that our hard working, dedicated, and inspirational patient panel have been collectively recognised through winning this prestigious award.  Their success is richly deserved.  All partners in the Alliance see our panel as essential partners in our mission to close the gap in care and outcomes for all people affected by cancer in West Yorkshire and Harrogate."

Click on the video below to see Helpforce Chief Executive Mark Lever announce that the panel were this year's winners of the Partnership and Systems Working In Volunteering Award



Watch the short video above to hear what members have to say about the panel and what it means to them.