Published on: Monday 5th March 2018

Two teams from the Leeds Cancer Centre are in the running for prestigious national awards.

The Leeds ACE Project, which is helping to improve the route to diagnosis for patients with ‘non-specific but concerning symptoms’, has been shortlisted for a HSJ Value Award.

Delivered by Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust and NHS Leeds CCGs Partnership, the programme is one of six pilots being funded by Macmillan and Cancer Research UK as part of NHS England’s Early Diagnosis initiative.

The National ACE programme: accelerates progress, coordinates implementation and consistently evaluates best practice and innovative approaches to early diagnosis of cancer. The project will benefit people with vague symptoms which their GP suspect might be cancer where they do not fit existing cancer referral pathways

So far the Leeds ACE Project Team have engaged with more than 40 GP practices and over 267 patients have been referred to the ACE pathway. Early experience has shown a reduced need for scans and gastro/colonoscopies as well an opportunity to shorten the diagnostic pathway and avoid hospital admissions. Cancer detections have been above 3% of referrals.

Based on early findings there are plans to roll out the ACE model across the city, this includes enabling all GP’s across Leeds to refer and use the ACE pathway. The team will also be piloting the delivery of ACE within community hubs in GP practices and using the ACE model and approach across other areas within LTHT.

The project is part of the wider Leeds Cancer Programme which sees the NHS and Macmillan working together with city-wide partners to transform cancer care for the people of Leeds. The team have been shortlisted in the ‘Improving the value of diagnostic services’ category and will present to the judging panel in April ahead of the awards ceremony on June 7th.

The Nurse-Led Immunotherapy Clinic team at the Leeds Cancer Centre have made it through to the finals of the prestigious British Medical Journal (BMJ) Awards. They are up for the Cancer Care Team Award sponsored by Macmillan Cancer Support. The finals will be held in London on 10th May 2018.

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