Each person whose life has been affected by cancer has a different story to tell.

We need to listen and learn from their experiences if we are to achieve our ambition of wrapping services around each individual patient and of ensuring that patient experience is taken as seriously as the clinical effectiveness of their care and treatment.

Scroll down to read, hear and view the personal stories told to us by patients and carers. Our thanks to those who have been willing to share.

Hannah's Story

​Few women actively look forward to their routine mammogram or cervical screening test, but
for Hannah - a survivor of sexual violence - the fear and apprehension associated with these and indeed any kind of medical appointment is much worse than for many other women and men. Hannah shares her story to help other survivors and to help health professionals tailor their services more effectively.

Val's Story

Ovarian cancer isn’t a silent killer – it whispers. You have to listen carefully, says Val.

Gill's Story

Gill described attending a post-treatment health and wellbeing event as 'the most empowering experience of my life'. Now she's taking on a new challenge.....

Sara Williamson's Story

Sara’s breast cancer treatment journey has been far from straightforward. She understands the importance of support networks and creating positivity for patients who are going through and beyond treatment. She now volunteers and gives her time to help others to overcome their fears and to get the help with the simple things that can make a huge difference to their lives.